Thursday, February 5, 2015

Just a couple of reminders:
 First off I want to apologize for flaking out on the last meeting! Not sure how I did that but life is what it is! A huge thank you goes out to Anne for helping out with the activity that evening!!!

We have scheduled to sell cookies on the following dates and locations:

1) 2/14 at Old Navy in Blakeney 9:30a - 4:30p

2) 2/15 at Old Navy in Blakeney 10:00a-5:30p

3) 2/28 at Rack Room Shoe (near target in Wesley Chapel) 2:00p - 6:00p

We are working on more locations and times so stay tuned!!  Reminder to collect cookie money for your orders and submit it to either myself or Rhonda!

I have signed us up for World Thinking Day on 2/21 at Marvin Elementary from 8:30am to 11:30am,

I did not schedule us to do a presentation (you're welcome) but rather we are the "tourists" who will be viewing the presentations of others; learning about different cultures ect.  It is $6 per girl so I do need a head count ASAP!!!  The girls will earn a patch and learn a lot about different cultures.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Upcoming Events!

Sorry for the delay in posting here. We missed a lot of you at our last troop meeting. :(  The girls were entertained by a brownie troop and they picked names for their secret Santa ornament exchange.  If your daughter was not there, and would like to participate please come with a wrapped ornament and we will have her exchange it with another girl who was absent that evening. Please let us know if/when your girl will miss a meeting in the future.

We had a great time at the Santa's Workshop this weekend. Check out our pictures on here and Shutterfly. We were sorry more of you could not be there to join us. The girls sang songs, played games, made crafts and ate snacks with many other Daisy, Brownie and Girl Scouts from Union County. They even earned a fun time patch!  I thought I would give more notice this time on an upcoming event I just learned about. I was thinking we could all get together the evening of the 19th and attend this.  My other idea was to go see the movie Annie as a group, which I am still open to. Let me know if you are interested in attending!!!

Monday, October 20, 2014


Happy Monday Troop 361

I really enjoyed meeting each of you and your daughters last week!  I hope they all had a good time at their first official troop 361 meeting!  It has come to my attention that we need to have one more mom sign up as a "co-leader" due to our numbers being so high in our troop.  We need one mom for every 6 girls, and currently we have 2 moms for 16 girls.  If ANYONE is willing to commit to being present at each meeting and helping out during the meetings let me know. WE WILL NOT ASK YOU TO DO MORE THAN THAT and you will not be expected to plan for or facilitate meetings for us, unless of course you want to.  We just need someone else to call "co-leader" to be in compliance.  If you know you are going to stay at most meetings than it might make sense for that mom to be you.  

We didn't get to all the activities I was hoping to get to on our first night. I would like to start our next meeting with some more getting to know you activities to help our girls join one another. Don't forget the scavenger hunt.  You do not need to collect everything on the list.  Any items gathered should be placed in a bag so she can "show and tell" what she found with the group.  Remember we are going to be making bird feeders so please come with pine cones (Medium to large) and wearing something you can possibly soil.    I am going to bring table cloths and a vacuum just in case.  I know we have 2 girls with allergies to peanut butter, please remind me when we get there so we can assure that no one is exposed. I will bring another base for those girls to use for their mixture. 

Lastly, there is a dance on Saturday at the Mineral Springs Methodist Church which is being sponsored by a girl scout ambassador troop.  I sent out a flyer.  Let me know if you need another one, or if you are joining us there. Some of us are also trying to plan an outing to see the Book of Life. Check back for the date/time for this.

Feel free to post here anytime!

- Rachel 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

I created a shutterfly account so I HOPE this works. Click this link and add pictures here:

Songs to Teach Your Daisy!!!

Please cut and paste the link below and share this song with your Daisy so she can learn the words!

